Author: Andre
The cooler and less humid air will be paying us a visit for a few outstanding days!!!!
For my friends in Winchester, VA, it’s famine (no rain) with a brutal heat (upper 90s°F). For my friends in Vermont and New Hampshire, it’s the case of far too much rain in a short duration. Vermont’s cleanup will go on for months…. but at least this Saturday is looking quiet and decorative according to the Lyndon Institude steaming web camera.
Like so many of us, it feels like July! Former FOX 8 colleague Alexis Walters verified that this morning.
So let’s cool off a little and head to Iceland for a little sight seeing in “the west of Iceland.”
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What a relaxing Tuesday morning. With (Flashpoint) covfefe mug in hand, I took in Monday night’s program surrounded by summery breezes and the sounds of cicadas.
Flashpoint airs on the Victiory Channel every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evening at 8 PM ET. You can watch them anytime you want via their Rumble channel.
While you’re at it, subscribe to MY Rumble channel!