Category: Fun Stuff
Monday’s high at Hopkins Airport was ONLY 59°F!!! We have to go all the way back to 1972 to find a June 10th with a high in the 50s°F! It was a good day to clean out and shred old files, or any other indoor task one was putting off.
Once that was done, it was good to sit in the YMCA hot tub for a little while to “warm up!”
Here was my live Instagram post from Saturday afternoon:
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
9:05 AM
So what is in my garden? Seems to be a popular question on my Instagram account. Watch (or listen) for the answer on my Rumble channel or on today’s upcoming episode of WeatherJazz® (Episode #628).
MM = Mile Marker
I explain that more fully in the radio segment I did this morning on Heartfelt Radio, WKJA-FM (you can watch the segment below).